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Numero Uno in Ludhiana

Numero Uno is founded in year 1987. it is known as first Indian denim brand. In year 2010-11 it got the India’s most impactful brand chosen by Indian customer in Star brands India.

Website: https://www.numerounojeanswear.com/

Below is the list of shopping malls having Numero Uno outlet:

Westend (Wave) Mall Ludhiana

0161 468 8711

Ferozpur Road, Bhai Randhir Singh Nagar, Ludhiana, Punjab 141012

09:00 AM - 12:00 AM

Stores and brands in Wave Mall, Restaurants in Wave Mall, Multiplex in Wave Mall, Ludhiana, Punjab. Westend Mall in Ludhiana is among one of the best shopping mall… Read more…

The Pavilion Mall Ludhiana

0161 456 0013

Kailash Cinema Road, Near Fountain Chowk, Ludhiana, Punjab 141001

11:00AM - 10:00 PM

Stores and brands in Pavilion Mall, Restaurants in Pavilion Mall, Multiplex in Pavilion Mall, Ludhiana, Punjab. Pavilion Mall is the heart of Ludhiana. It has Ludhiana’s first 7 screen… Read more…