• My Nearest City

Gini & Jony in Agra

Giny and Jony is one of the famous Kids wear brand in India. This brand is promoted by lakhani brothers since 1980. Giny and Jony have more than 200 outlets in India.
Website: http://www.giniandjony.com/

Gini & Jony is present in below shopping malls:

Rajan Mall Agra

0562 404 5063

2/213 A, CIVIL LINES OPP NAGAR NIGAM M G ROAD, Agra, Uttar Pradesh 282002

11:00AM - 10:00 PM

Rajan Mall in Agra is a family wear showroom which provides various options of clothing for men , women and Kids. Rajan Mall got established in year 2010.… Read more…